permalink: www.radarmonster.com/radars/klrx/

Current time: 17:00:42 UTC
last refresh: 0 seconds ago
Radar out of date?
(~5-10 minute delays are pretty common)
animated gif / manual loop controls
more info on animated gif/manual controls
The National Weather Service produces both a single animated gif file, and separate images for each individual period of time.
You can use the animated GIF that the NWS produces, but you won't be able to pause or choose the speed of the loop.
Or you can switch to manual looping controls so that you can pause, go forwards/backwards, and soon, you'll even be able to set the loop speed.
Weather Underground weather radar loop for KLRX
Alternately, you can view the Wunderground radar loop here, which may be more up to date than the National Weather Service imagery above.
Nearby Radars to KLRX
There are two maps temporarily while we test performance. Top is Maplibre, bottom is Leaflet.
About KLRX
KLRX is the ICAO code for the nexrad doppler radar located in ELKO, NV.
The radar's precise location is latitude 40.73955, longitude -116.8027, at an elevation of 6895 feet.
The ELKO radar is located in LANDER County, NV.
Identification codes for KLRX
ICAO: KLRX NCDCID: 30001880 WBAN: 4108